Temporary aid to limit the vehicle charging price on publicly accessible electric charging stations

Last update

In light of the current energy crisis, a temporary discount on the selling price of electricity for users of publicly accessible electric-vehicle charging stations is being instituted.

Interested mobility service providers may be listed in a special register that is established, managed and published by the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning (Ministère de l’Énergie et de l’Aménagement du territoire).

This discount will be applied automatically for users from 1 January 2023 through 31 December 2024, provided that the mobility service provider is listed in the register.

Who is concerned?

Mobility service providers that wish to offer their customers the discount on the vehicle charging price on their infrastructure in Luxembourg.

This discount applies to all users of publicly accessible electric-vehicle charging stations located in Luxembourg.

How to proceed

Provider registration

To be able to offer the discount to their customers, mobility service providers must have their information added to the register kept by the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Development, by completing the relevant form (see 'Online services and forms').

The provider must state:

  • their name, address, registration number in the Trade and Companies Register (Registre de commerce et des sociétés – RCS), VAT number or any other relevant identification number if the company is domiciled in another state;
  • where applicable, their identification number in the register of the Benelux ID Registration Organisation;
  • a bank account number in IBAN format;
  • the monthly quantity of electricity charged in Luxembourg by their customers in the 12 months preceding the month in which they are applying to be listed.

The minister will add the mobility service providers to the register within 30 days of receipt of their completed application.

The minister will publish an up-to-date list containing the names and addresses of the mobility service providers listed in the register and the charging prices they are applying.

Application for payment of financial compensation

Every provider listed in the register must submit an application for payment of the compensation for all amounts deducted on the invoices in respect of the state financial contribution.

The application must be sent to the Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning:

  • by the last day of the current month for the month preceding the application (e.g. by 31 March for February);
  • using the special form.

The provider must specify:

  • the total number of charging operations carried out on the publicly accessible charging stations on which a discount has been applied;
  • the charging prices applied to the charging operations;
  • the total quantity of electricity supplied during the charging operations;
  • the total amount of all the discounts applied to the charging operations.

Additional supporting documents may be requested.

If the application is complete, the financial compensation will be paid.

Amount of the discount

Anyone who charges their electric vehicle on a publicly accessible charging station located in Luxembourg may receive a discount that is capped at EUR 0.35 per kWh (including VAT).

Electric vehicle charging

The discount is applied directly when a user charges their electric vehicle at the charging station.

To receive this discount, you must check whether your provider is listed in the relevant register.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

General Directorate - Energy

Related procedures and links


Further information

Legal references

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