Call for pilot projects for the production of renewable hydrogen

Last update


A call for pilot projects with a view to obtaining state aid is open to companies in order to support the production of renewable hydrogen.

In order to support the production of renewable hydrogen through the installation of electrolysers in Luxembourg, a new call for pilot projects with a view to obtaining state aid is open to companies.

This call for projects concerns the construction and operation of new electrolysers for the production of renewable hydrogen and its marketing in Luxembourg.

The tenderer must comply with all the eligibility obligations defined in the tender specifications, which can be consulted here (French, Pdf, 569 Kb).

Successful tenderers benefit from:

  • operational support for a period of 10 years for the production of renewable hydrogen and its delivery to a buyer;
  • a (flat-rate) investment aid of up to 45% of the total eligible investment costs, depending on any other European investment support already received.

Please note: the fact that a tenderer has been selected under this call for projects does not imply that the administrative procedures they have to carry out have been completed successfully.

Who is concerned

The tenderer may be any legal person who:

  • is established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;
  • is engaged in an economic activity as their main occupation.


The project described in the aid application must comply with the purpose of the call for tenders and be in line with the criteria and obligations described in the tender specifications (French, Pdf, 569 Kb).

Only renewable hydrogen production facilities (electrolysers) located in Luxembourg that meet the requirements set out in the specifications are eligible.


The call for projects is open from 31 October 2024 to 15 February 2025.

Questions may be submitted until 15 January 2025.

How to proceed

Participation in the call for projects

You must comply with the requirements relating to the economic viability of the project described in chapter 3 of the tender specifications (French, Pdf, 569 Kb).

The application form can be requested by email at the following address:

The submission file must be uploaded to the following link:

Applications for aid are ranked on the basis of the total aid ('TS') requested for a project for the production and marketing of renewable hydrogen over 10 years, expressed in EUR/kg (hydrogen).

Supporting documents

The submission file must include the documents detailed in chapter 4 of the tender specifications (French, Pdf, 569 Kb) and in particular:

  • the duly completed and signed application form (sent by the Ministry at the request of the project developer); 
  • a detailed business plan that:
    • covers at least the 10 years of subsidised operations; and
    • includes all the information needed to calculate the financing deficit;
  • the declarations concerning the:
    • production of renewable hydrogen;
    • existing financing; and
    • origin of the renewable electricity.

Application processing time

Questions relating to the call for projects should be sent by email to the following address: The response time is 2 weeks.

Luxinnovation is available to assist companies interested in submitting a tender in this call for projects. Interested tenderers can contact Luxinnovation at:

The aid will be awarded by the Ministry of the Economy 3 months after the call for projects closes on 15 February 2025, i.e. 15 May 2025.

Amount and type of aids

The successful tenderer will receive operational support (in EUR/kg (H2)) for a period of 10 years for the production of renewable hydrogen and its delivery to a buyer.

Beneficiaries also receive investment aid amounting to 45% of the eligible costs described in the specifications.


The obligations described in the tender specifications (French, Pdf, 569 Kb) must be met.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links


Further information

Legal references

Loi modifiée du 5 août 1993

concernant l'utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie

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