Medical analysis laboratory manager

Last update


To practise as a medical analysis laboratory manager, you need a licence that is linked to specific conditions.

Who is concerned: managers of medical analysis laboratories.

Practising as a medical analysis laboratory manager requires a licence issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Security (Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale).

Who is concerned

Medical practitioners, pharmacists and chemists in charge of a medical analysis laboratory who provide services that relate to one or more of the following disciplines:

  • medicinal chemistry;
  • haematology;
  • microbiology; 
  • pathological anatomy.

Note: You must specify the discipline to which the application relates in the online procedure.

If the laboratory engages in activities that relate to multiple disciplines of medical biology, it must be led by:

  • a person who has received the required training for each activity in question; or
  • multiple persons, each of whom has received the required training for one of the planned activities.


The medical analysis laboratory manager must hold:

  • either a university diploma that:
    • recognises the successful completion of a full medical training course; and
    • includes basic training recognised as such in accordance with the provisions of Article 1, Paragraph 1b of the Law of 29 April 1983, as amended, concerning the practice of the professions of doctor, dentist and veterinary surgeon (loi modifiée du 29 avril 1983 concernant l’exercice des professions de médecin, de médecin-dentiste et de médecin-vétérinaire);
  • or a university diploma that recognises the successful completion of a full pharmacy training course recognised as such in accordance with the provisions of Article 1b of the Law of 31 July 1991, as amended, determining the conditions for authorisation to practise the profession of pharmacist (loi modifiée du 31 juillet 1991 déterminant les conditions d’autorisation d’exercer la profession de pharmacien);
  • or a master's degree in chemistry, biochemistry or an equivalent field.

In all 3 cases, you must also have at least 5 years of full-time specialised training in medical biology.

You must have at least 3 years of full-time specialised training in the main discipline for which you are applying for a licence. You must have at least one year of full-time specialised training in each of the 2 other disciplines, except for pathological anatomy.

Managers of a medical analysis laboratory that provides services pertaining to pathological anatomy must be licensed to practise medicine as a specialist practitioner in pathological anatomy, in accordance with the Law of 29 April 1983, as amended, concerning the practice of the professions of doctor, dentist and veterinary surgeon (loi modifiée du 29 avril 1983 concernant l’exercice des professions de médecin, de médecin-dentiste et de médecin-vétérinaire).

How to proceed

Filing an application

You can apply for your licence to practise online via

The application procedure can be accessed:

  • with authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID); or
  • without authentication.

The procedure with authentication has several advantages compared with the procedure without authentication. In particular, it allows you to temporarily save any data that you have already entered so that you can access it at a later date.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive any related messages/notifications by email.

Supporting documents

You must include the following supporting documents with your application:

  • if you are a national of an EU Member State or of a European Economic Area (EEA) state: a copy of a valid identity document; or
  • if you are not a national of an EU Member State or an EEA state:
    • a copy of a valid residence permit; or
    • a document certifying that you are a beneficiary of international protection;
  • a curriculum vitae listing the internships completed during your studies, along with a copy of the internship record book, if you have one;
  • if you are a medical practitioner or pharmacist: a copy of your licence to practise medicine or pharmacy issued by the Luxembourg Ministry of Health and Social Security;
  • if you are a chemist or biochemist: a copy of your master's degree in chemistry or biochemistry.

Translations of documents

Any documents that are not drawn up in French, German or Luxembourgish must be accompanied by their French, German or Luxembourgish translation produced by a sworn/certified translator.

Processing the application

Once the file is complete, the Ministry of Health and Social Security forwards it to the laboratory advisory commission (Commission consultative des laboratoires) for assessment.

To speed up the processing of your application, you should ensure that you have added all the required information and supporting documents to your file.

The authorisation order specifies the discipline of medical biology for which the training is recognised.

The decision will be sent to you by post.

Possibilities of appeal in the event of rejection

You may appeal the decision by filing the appeal with the administrative tribunal within 3 months of being notified of the decision.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links



Legal references

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