New online procedures for filing subscription tax declarations

Last update

A new subscription tax declaration system for UCIs, SIFs and RAIFs is now available.

The old and new systems will operate simultaneously in parallel for a transition period of 2 years. The end of the transitional period is scheduled for the end of August 2026.

The aim of the new procedures is to give you more guidance in your capacity as a declarant and to simplify the management and checking of subscription tax declarations.

The key changes in the declarations are as follows:

  • addition of explanatory notes for declarants;
  • automatic conversion of amounts established in a currency other than EUR using the European Central Bank exchange rate;
  •  possibility of notifying the filing of a provisional declaration reserved for AIFs for which the net asset value is not yet available;
  • modification of the format for declaring CSSF identification numbers at the level of legal entities and individual sub-funds of investment funds;
  • modification of the format used to declare the data for the original fund and the target fund for the ‘fund of funds’ exemption;
  • addition of a page summarising the data entered at the end of the procedure.

Compared to the existing version, the following additional data is required to use the new format:

  • CSSF number of the legal entity of the UCI/SIF/RAIF;
  • CSSF number of the sub-funds according to the different declaration schemes;
  • for the ‘fund of funds’ scheme, the original fund or sub-fund and the target fund or sub-fund are identified by the company name and the CSSF number;
  • identification of the declarant (legal person) by company name and national identification number (matricule). This is the legal entity responsible for submitting subscription tax declarations.

The Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED) invites you, as declarants for the subscription tax, to:

  • test the new declaration format;
  • carry out the procedures for implementing the new format during the 2-year transition period.

The AED will be happy to answer any questions you may have:

Bureau de la taxe d’abonnement
Tel.: (+352) 247 80978