Multiannual tax cards of employees

Last update

Since 1 May 2021, employers have the possibility to view the tax cards of their employees and pensioners in electronic format via their business eSpace on

Although the consultation of tax cards is optional for the time being, it will become mandatory from 1 January 2022. Thus, employers have until 31 December 2021 to familiarise themselves with this new tool set up by the Luxembourg Inland Revenue (ACD).

To this end, the ACD urges employers who have not yet done so, to:

  • request their access token to the tax cards of their employees and/or pensioners;
  • activate one of the 2 tokens that were sent to them.

Copies of the information letter (sent at the beginning of March 2021 to employers registered at that time) as well as the invitation letter to request a token are available for consultation and download in French and German on the ACD's website.

If the activation period has expired, a new procedure must be submitted on to request a new token so as to proceed with the activation of the employer access token or the provider access token within the 2-month deadline for activation.