Heatwave Plan
Last update
During heat waves, fragile persons, such as babies, the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases (cardiac disease, kidney disease or mental diseases) are the first to suffer from high temperatures. This is why such persons must be carefully monitored.
Who is concerned
Any person over 75 years of age, living alone or with an invalid person with limited independence, and with no outside help, may enrol in the Heatwave Plan (Plan canicule).
People who wish to enrol in the Heatwave Plan must not be receiving any other long-term care insurance benefits.
How to proceed
Registering for the Heatwave Plan
To receive the monitoring visits and hydration assistance provided for in the Heatwave Plan, interested persons must submit the heatwave monitoring application form, or request this form by calling the Red Cross telephone centre (+352) 27 55.
This form must be returned to the Red Cross before the deadline set by the Red Cross each year.
Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
B.P. 404
L-2014 Luxembourg
Monitoring visits
Visits are made by home assistance and care services. During visits, professionals make sure that elderly or sick persons follow a number of recommendations.
Drink a lot of fluids
During a heat wave, people are advised to drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day in small regular amounts (two to four times per hour). Water rich in minerals salts, such as mineral water or sparkling water, is preferred over well water.
Coffee or tea and drinks rich in sugar or caffeine should be limited as much as possible due to their diuretic effects.
If experiencing lack of appetite, meals should be taken over several sittings, and fruit, salads and vegetables should be preferred.
Stay in the shade
Elderly or sick people should avoid going outdoors when it is hot and should remain indoors, in cooler rooms.
If they must go outdoors, they should make sure they wear light-coloured, light-weight and roomy clothing, preferably in cotton or linen, and they should cover their heads.
Ventilate the home
To keep the home cool, rooms should be kept ventilated during the cool hours or during the night. During the day, shutters, curtains and blinds on sun-exposed windows, as well as doors, should be kept closed.
Take showers
During the day, elderly or sick people should take regular showers or partial cooling baths (hands, feet, etc.).
Who to contact
Luxembourg Red Cross Heatwave Service
- Address:
B.P. 404
- Phone:
- (+352) 27 55
Health Directorate Health Inspection Department
- Address:
- 2A, rue Thomas Edison L-1445 Strassen Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85 650
Related procedures and links
Further information
Red Cross Luxembourg
Plan canicule
sur Sante.lu
sur Sante.lu