Grant for the restoration and showcasing of cultural assets classified as national cultural heritage

Last update

It is possible to obtain grant funding for the restoration and showcasing of cultural assets classified as national cultural heritage.

These grants can be awarded for:

  • any works which contribute to the conservation or restoration of the original appearance of the asset; or
  • scientific analyses aimed at such conservation or restoration measures.

Eligible works can be subsidised with a grant of up to 50 % of the costs incurred. Grants are allocated within the limits of the available budgetary appropriations.

Who is concerned

Any natural or legal person.


The cultural assets concerned must be classified as national cultural heritage.

Grants are awarded taking into account:

  • the suitability of the procedures and works undertaken or the techniques chosen in relation to the conservation objective for the cultural asset;
  • whether or not the cultural asset is publicly displayed;
  • the cause or origin of the necessity of the planned procedures and works and whether they are the consequence of the beneficiary's negligence;
  • the price usually charged for this type of procedure and work.

Note: these criteria can be applied cumulatively.

Preliminary steps

For any modification, repair or restoration:

  • a written application for authorisation must be sent to the Minister for Culture before the planned start of the work;
  • the Minister seeks the opinion of the COPAC (Commission pour le patrimoine culturel) before making a decision.

The minister's decision must be communicated to the interested parties within 3 months of receiving the request for authorisation. Past that deadline, the application will be automatically granted.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

The application for a grant must be submitted to the Minister for Culture in writing using an application form before the commencement of works.

Supporting documents

Applicants must attach the following documents to their application:

  • the specific form (available under 'Online services and forms' below);
  • the estimate for the proposed work;
  • representative photos of the cultural asset;
  • any other relevant document or evidence in support of the application.

Processing the application

The Minister examines the application and carries out an analysis of the estimate. The asset may need to be presented to the officials appointed by the Minister for Culture.

After examining the application and on the basis of COPAC's recommendation, the Minister for Culture may issue a pledge of grant support to the owner.

This pledge of grant indicates:

  • the subsidised works; and
  • the percentage or flat rate that the grant represents in relation to the costs to be incurred.

Works financed with the grant are monitored by the Minister's staff.

The Minister's observations during the work must be respected.

The Minister for Culture sets the amount of the grant:

  • after completion of the restoration work; and
  • on presentation of a form and receipted invoices for the work.

Cancellation or revocation of the grant

The pledge of grant may be completely or partially cancelled:

  • in case of non-compliance with the directives of the Minister for Culture; and
  • based on a report duly drawn up by the Ministry's officials.

The grant is revoked if the owner sells the listed asset with a capital gain. In this case, the grant must be reimbursed to the State up to the amount of the capital gain.

Repayment of the grant can be demanded up to 6 months after the date of sale of the listed cultural asset. The request for repayment of the grant is limited to the first commercial transaction.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links


Applying to have a moveable asset listed as national cultural heritage item


Further information

La loi relative au patrimoine culturel

sur le site du Patrimoine culturel

Legal references

  • Loi du 25 février 2022

    relative au patrimoine culturel

  • Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022

    déterminant les modalités de saisine et les documents à joindre à la demande de protection d’un bien culturel relevant du patrimoine mobilier comme patrimoine culturel national et les pièces à joindre à la demande d’autorisation d’opérations sur un bien culturel relevant du patrimoine mobilier classé comme patrimoine culturel national.

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