Temporary subsidy to bulk buy wood pellets for households

Last update

In light of the current energy crisis, the government is instituting a temporary discount on the selling price of bulk wood pellets that are delivered by tanker truck and used for households' primary heating.

This measure will be applicable from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024 for orders that come from pellet providers listed in the relevant register.

Who is concerned?

This discount applies only to deliveries by tanker trunk of bulk wood pellets to private households in Luxembourg.


Maximum quantity

The maximum quantity per delivery is:

  • 5 tonnes for single-family houses;
  • 10 tonnes for residences that have at least 2 housing units.

The number of deliveries per building is not limited.

Supplier listed in the register

The bulk wood pellet supplier must be listed in a special register that is established, managed and published by the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning (Ministère de l’Énergie et de l’Aménagement du territoire).

Preliminary steps

Supplier registration

To be able to offer the discount to their private customers, suppliers must have their information added to the register by filling out the relevant form (see 'Online services and forms').

The supplier must:

  • state:
    • the name and address of the business;
    • the name of the declarant;
    • their VAT number;
    • their number in the Trade and Companies Register (Registre de commerce et des sociétés - RCS);
    • their telephone number;
    • their email address;
    • their bank details (IBAN);
  • provide:
    • a bank account identification document;
    • data on sales to buildings with at least one housing unit in Luxembourg for the past 12 months.

How to proceed

Amount of the discount

The temporary discount is 35 % of the selling price of the wood pellets, capped at EUR 200 per tonne including VAT.

Examples of standard deliveries:

Delivery of 5 tonnes for a single-family house (estimated standard price):

  • with the discount: EUR 2,400;
  • without the discount: EUR 3,400;

i.e. a contribution of EUR 1,000 paid by the government.

Delivery of 10 tonnes for one residence (estimated standard price):

  • with the discount: EUR 4,800;
  • without the discount: EUR 6,800;

i.e. a contribution of EUR 2,000 paid by the government.

Order and delivery of pellets

When you order pellets, you must check whether your supplier is listed in the relevant register.

Each time you receive a delivery, you must give the supplier a completed and signed declaration of honour stating that you live in a single-family house or a residence with multiple housing units (see 'Online services and forms').

The discount is applied directly on the invoices.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

General Directorate for Energy - Wood pellets subsidy

Related procedures and links


Further information

Legal references

Loi modifiée du 23 décembre 2022

instituant une contribution étatique visant à limiter la hausse des prix des granulés de bois pour le chauffage primaire des ménages privés

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