Road tax for large families or disabled persons

Last update

In Luxembourg, driving a road vehicle on public roads involves paying a tax.

Did you know that tax reductions can be granted to certain individuals on the basis of their family circumstances or health, provided they meet certain specific criteria?

You can claim a partial reimbursement of the tax if:

  • your family is a large family (made up of at least 5 people);
  • you are a resident of Luxembourg; and
  • you own a vehicle registered in Luxembourg.

You can claim a total exemption from tax if:

  • you hold a B or C invalidity card or are war-disabled and you have registered a vehicle in Luxembourg; or
  • if you have registered a vehicle in Luxembourg and are supporting an invalid or war-disabled member of your household.

Requests for partial reimbursement can be submitted either via a form sent by post to the Environment Agency, or online via your private eSpace on Under certain conditions, this reimbursement can be up to a maximum of EUR 125 for a single vehicle per household per year.

Requests for total exemption must be sent by post to the Customs and Excise Agency - Central Office, using the form provided.

For full details on the subject, please consult our explanatory information page.