Winter tyres are compulsory in Luxembourg in winter conditions

Last update

When you are driving a motor vehicle on public roads in Luxembourg in winter conditions, the vehicle must be equipped with winter tyres or all-weather tyres.

Winter weather conditions include:

  • black ice;
  • packed snow;
  • slush;
  • ice sheets or frost.

Authorised winter tyres are marked 'M.S.', 'M+S', 'M&S', or bearing the alpine symbol - a drawing of a mountain with a snowflake.

It is mandatory to fit 4 tyres of the same type on the car.

For lorries, coaches and buses, winter tyres must be on all drive axles. The same applies to motor homes with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3,500 kg.

In the event of non-compliance with this measure, you will be fined EUR 74 .

If the vehicle must undergo a technical inspection during the winter season, the rims and/or tyres may be subjected to an acceptance procedure, especially if their dimensions do not match those listed on the vehicle's certificate of conformity. It is therefore advisable to always carry the technical documents relating to mounted rims and/or tyres.

The compulsory mounting of winter tyres depend on the winter weather conditions. So there is no start or end date where winter tyres are compulsory.

The compulsory mounting of winter tyres depend on the winter weather conditions. So there is no start or end date where winter tyres are compulsory.