You can now apply for your pedelec25 or bike subsidy online via

Last update

When you buy a pedelec25 or a new bicycle, you can, under certain conditions, and no later than 1 year after purchase, request a sustainable mobility subsidy.

This subsidy amounts to 50% of the cost of the vehicle (excluding VAT) for vehicles purchased up to 31 March 2024 (invoice date), up to a maximum of EUR 600.

To benefit from the subsidy, you can apply:

  • by post; or
  • now also electronically via

As this is a procedure with authentication, you need a LuxTrust product, eID or eIDAS to apply online.

Have you linked your private eSpace to our mobile app? In that case, you can also apply for the subsidy easily via the app.

For more information on the practical details, see our explanatory text on the sustainable mobility subsidy.