Apply for a registration number for your car via

Last update

Are you planning to buy a new car? Vehicles that are subject to registration must be fitted with number plates before they can be driven on the public highway.

In Luxembourg, there are 2 types of registration numbers:

  • registration numbers from the current series; and
  • personalised registration numbers.

With, you can submit a request to reserve a registration number with a few clicks. You can also register on the waiting list for number plate with a 4-digit number.

You do not necessarily need an authentication product (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS) in order to apply online, as the procedure on is available with and without authentication.

Placeholder image

The procedure is also available in the mobile app. If you want to benefit from all the features offered by the mobile app, you must first link your private eSpace with the mobile app.

Furthermore, you can view information on your vehicles and registration numbers in your private eSpace.

Download the mobile application: mobile app on the Google Play mobile app on the Apple App Store