Applications for accreditation of prior experiential learning (VAE) can now be submitted via

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Do you want to progress in your career and consolidate your career path? Accreditation of prior experiential learning (validation des acquis de l'expérience – VAE) offers formal recognition of skills acquired throughout life by granting a corresponding certificate, diploma or other degree.

VAE can give access to the certificates and diplomas of the general secondary education or to a master craftsman's certificate, such as:

  • vocational capacity certificate (certificat de capacité professionnelle - CCP);
  • vocational aptitude diploma (diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle - DAP);
  • technician's diploma (diplôme de technicien - DT);
  • general secondary education diploma (diplôme de fin d'études secondaires de l'enseignement secondaire général);
  • master craftsman's certificate (brevet de maîtrise de l'artisanat).

In order to facilitate access to the procedure, the application for accreditation of prior and experiential learning can now be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth entirely online using This online procedure requires authentication with a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

Interactive questionnaires on will guide you through the 2 steps of the procedure:

  • the application for admissibility; and
  • the application for accreditation of the substance of the experience.

Would you like to know more? More information on the practical details can be found in our explanatory information pages.

Depending on the certificate, qualification or diploma sought, you may apply for other types of accreditation of prior experiential learning: