Recommendations in case of excessively hot weather

Last update

The Ministry of Health and Social Security would like to remind the public that periods of high heat can cause serious health problems, especially for certain vulnerable people. The following are particularly at risk:

  • infants;
  • the elderly;
  • indviduals with chronic illnesses (heart disease, kidney disease, etc.).

During these periods, it is important to be vigilant and to observe the following precautionary measures, in particular:

  • drinking regularly and at least 1.5 litres of water per day;
  • limiting exposure to the sun and spending several hours in the shade and/or in a cool place;
  • avoiding strenuous exercise and sports activities during the hottest part of the day;
  • protecting the elderly people around you by:
    • helping them to stay properly hydrated; and
    • checking that the heat is not detrimental to their health.

For specific questions about health problems caused by high temperatures:

  • contact the Health Directorate – Health Inspection Department on (+352) 247-85653; or
  • visit

Please note that each year a National Heatwave Plan is put in place for people aged 75 and over:

  • who live alone or with a disabled person;
  • with limited independence;
  • who live without external assistance;
  • who are not covered by long-term care insurance.

For more details on how to register for the Heatwave Plan, see our explanatory page.