Update of our information on the reimbursement of the music education fee

Last update

From the start of the 2022-2023 school year, the parents or guardians of students attending a music school in the communal sector may apply for state aid for the reimbursement of fees paid.

To be eligible for state aid, the following conditions must be met:

  • the student is enrolled in a music school as provided for by the law of 27 May 2022 on the organisation of music education in the communal sector;
  • the student is under 18 years of age on 1 September preceding the reference school year;
  • the student's household has a gross monthly income of less than 3.5 times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers.

The objectives of music education are:

  • to awaken, develop and cultivate young students' musical knowledge and taste for music so that they can participate in musical life;
  • to provide young people with specialised training in the various musical disciplines so as to enable them to pursue further musical studies.

Applications for state aid must be submitted by the parents or guardians using a specific form and including supporting documents to the Government Commissioner for Music Education by 1 October of the following school year at the latest. The form is also available for download and can be submitted either by postal mail or via MyGuichet.lu.

State aid is paid to those entitled from 1 January of the reference school year.

Our explanatory information page on this state aid has recently been updated. So don't hesitate to ask about the procedure and the conditions for receiving this aid.