Changes to the grant for artistic creation, development and retraining

Last update

In order to promote the development and expansion of artistic and cultural professions, the State offers a grant for artistic creation, development and retraining of up to EUR 8,000.

This grant is intended for:

  • professional artists, authors, designers and/or performers who:
    • come from or reside in Luxembourg; and
    • have a proven cultural link with Luxembourg;
  • professional artists' collectives.

It can be granted:

  • for research, for the execution of a well-defined artistic creation project (support for artistic creation); or
  • as support for further training (completion of a specific course or training).

The grant applications are:

  • reviewed 3 times a year by a committee responsible for advising the Minister for Culture;
  • to be submitted using without authentication, i.e. without the need for a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

Find out how and under what conditions to apply for this grant in our explanatory information page.