Apply to ADEM for participation in vocational training

Last update

Are you registered with the National Employment Agency (ADEM) as a job seeker, whether or not you are receiving benefits?

Then you can, under certain conditions, benefit from vocational training to:

  • acquire or deepen your professional skills; and
  • thus improve your chances for professional (re)integration into the labour market.

The application for vocational training is made online via without authentication, i.e. without the need for a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

However, you need a personal access code that:

  • is provided by ADEM, following a prior request to your referring guidance counsellor. They must validate the proposed training;
  • allows online access to the application for a training.

Please note: you must pay the training costs in advance and then apply to ADEM for partial reimbursement.

For further information please see our explanatory information text on applying for vocational training support from ADEM.