New vehicles: find out about the administrative procedures to register a new vehicle

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Did you recently purchase a new vehicle?

Before the vehicle can be put on public roads, you must:

  • register the vehicle in your name; and
  • get a registration certificate.

Did you know that it is possible to request a licence plate number (registration number) from the current series or a personalised number via the electronic assistant? This can be done online with or without authentication with your LuxTrust product.

If you have your own private eSpace on, you can also consult information about your vehicles and registration numbers as well as the points-based licence online.

If you have purchased your vehicle from a non-professional seller, all the necessary administrative procedures with the various bodies must be carried out in a specific order:

  • Application for a registration number
  • Taking out a civil liability insurance policy
  • Payment of the tax stamp
  • Customs clearance and payment of Luxembourg VAT
  • Submission of the administrative file to the National Society of Automotive Traffic (Société Nationale de Circulation Automobile - SNCA)

When you, as a private individual, buy a vehicle from a professional (dealer, garage, etc.), the administrative formalities involved in these procedures are generally taken care of by the professional seller.

For more information on the steps to be taken when buying a vehicle, consult our various explanatory information pages.