Consult your authentic sources in the mobile application!

Last update

With the mobile application, it is now also possible to consult some of your personal data provided to the administrations directly from your smartphone or tablet.

This data, also called 'authentic sources', are updated each time your personal situation changes throughout your life.

What data are we talking about?

If you have a private eSpace on linked to the mobile application, you can now consult the following in the new "My personal data" section of the application:

  • personal data from the National Registry of Natural Persons (RNPP), i.e. :
    • information about:
      • yourself;
      • your parents;
      • your children who are registered at the same address as you;
    • your registration on the electoral roll;
    • the list of institutions that have consulted or updated your data in the last 6 months;
  • your certificates:
    • of residence;
    • of registration at a reference address;
    • of extended residence;
  • your pay and pension records if you are a:
    • state employee; or
    • an employee of the Joint Social Security Centre; or
    • an employee of the city of Luxembourg;
  • your sporting abilities.

It should also be remembered that none of this data is directly stored on Your private eSpace is strictly confidential and security measures prevent third parties from consulting these data.

You have to link your account with the mobile app if you want to be able to use of all of the features available in the mobile app. What is the meaning of "link"? Consult our tutorial which will guide you step by step.