National Road Works Register

Last update

The National Road Works Register (Registre national des travaux) is a register which contains all the applications for road and roadside permits which have been submitted by businesses as well as all information concerning public infrastructure works planned by the communes and the public administrators (e.g. telecommunication networks, gas, electricity, water, etc.).

This information is published in the register for 30 days, which allows businesses to:

  • be informed about which works are planned on the parcel of land on which they intend to carry out works themselves;
  • better coordinate their own work sites with those of other businesses or public administrators;
  • achieve cost reductions by sharing the cost for infrastructure works based on an agreement between concerned businesses and other interested parties;
  • guarantee conditions that cause the least possible damage to public areas all the while respecting the environment and the aesthetic quality of the surroundings.

Who is concerned?

Businesses who wish to carry out civil engineering works on public land can consult the National Road Works Register.


Businesses must hold a LuxTrust Pro certificate in order to access the National Road Works Register.

How to proceed

Using the register

After signing in to the National Road Works Register with their LuxTrust Pro certificate, businesses can use the search engine to obtain the list of works planned on the parcel of land they are interested in (e.g. applications submitted by other businesses or works planned by the commune).

If a business finds a works project of interest, it can contact the business or authority that is planning the project and inform them of their intention to participate in the work site.

It must then submit its own road permit application within the 30 days publication period.

The mayor of the commune in question invites the businesses concerned (or any other concerned party) to negotiate a sharing agreement which will namely determine how the costs for the works will be shared.

Online services and forms

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