Price display
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All professionals must clearly display the sales prices of products and services offered through either marking, labelling, display or any other means necessary.
The price information must be unequivocal, easily identifiable and legible.
Prices must be indicated in euros. Unless otherwise stipulated by law or regulation, it is prohibited to ask for a price that higher than the one displayed.
Who is concerned
The display of sales prices of goods or services is mandatory for all professionals whether they are:
- selling goods;
- selling services (with the exception of liberal professions).
Some professionals must include the service charge in the sales price of their products:
- operators of drinking establishments for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages;
- establishments offering accomodation;
- restaurants;
- tearooms.
How to proceed
Indication of the sales price for products
All professionals must indicate to consumers the sales price of a product, i.e. including VAT and all other taxes applicable for one unit or a given quantity of the product:
- prices of products on public display must be:
visible from the inside when the products are displayed inside the sales location;
visible from the outside when the products are displayed in shop windows or on exterior displays;
- prices of products not on public display but available for retail sale, either in the store or in premises adjoining the store and directly accessible from the store must be indicated:
- either by labeling of the products;
- or by displaying a price list inside the store.
Prices must be displayed individually for each product where the articles on sale differ in nature, quality, packaging or presentation.
They may be labelled collectively if they are identical products displayed in the same area.
Displaying the price for the unit of measurement corresponding to the drained net weight is sufficient for pre-packed products where the indication of both the net weight and the drained net weight is required.
Indication of the sales price of pharmaceutical drugs
The price for pharmaceutical drugs, approved in advance by the minister in charge of social security, has to be indicated in euro accurate to 2 decimal places.
Example: EUR 2.46
When a product is sold to the public, the sales price incl. VAT must be indicated on the sales receipt together with the precise name of the medication concerned and also an indication which allows to identify the pharmacy.
Principle of dual price display
Prices displayed must include:
- the sales price of the products for sale and;
- the price per unit of measurement including all taxes and valid for one kilogramme, one liter, one metre, one m2 or one m3.
All advertising referring to the sales price of a product subject to the dual price display must also indicate the price for one unit of measurement including in stores where the sales area does not exceed 400 m2 or for a street trader.
In addition to displaying the price, food products must also meet very strict labeling rules in the interest of consumer information and food safety. Claims concerning nutritional qualities of a product and its effects on health are also subject to strict rules.
Mandatory dual price display
Dual price display is mandatory:
- for certain non-food products including:
- hygiene and beauty products (soap, tooth paste, bath and shower products, cream, etc.);
- household cleaning products (cleaning products, washing powders, softeners, etc.);
- construction, do-it-yourself and gardening products (cement, paint, glue, compost, seeds, etc.);
- other specific products (lubricants, antifreeze, aluminium foil, cling film and baking paper, car maintenance and cleaning products);
- if the same person (natural or legal) operates several stores where one exceeds 400 m2 of sales area.
Exemptions from dual price display
Products sold loose, i.e. not pre-packed but measured in the presence of the customer, only require the indication of the sales price per unit of measurement.
Display of the sales price only is required for:
any product (except loose items) if the sales area does not exceed 400 m2 and if the trader does not operate another sales area exceeding 400 m2;
any product where the sales price is identical to the price per unit of measurement;
food products where the quantity does not exceed 100 g or 100 ml;
pastries and bakery products (other than bread) where the price is set per piece;
fruit, vegetables, spices and other products usually sold by the piece or unit;
non-food products, except those listed hereafter;
products sold when providing a service;
any set of different products sold in one package.
Indication of the sales price for services
With the exception of liberal professions, each service professional or service provider must indicate to the consumers the unit price including taxes for the most common services offered.
Where a final price cannot be determined in advance, the service provider must indicate the prices for all elements used to calculate the final price.
Example: indication of the hourly rate for labour and travel costs including taxes.
Service providers with commercial premises accessible to the public must display their prices inside and outside the premises.
If the number of services offered and the diversity of the conditions of execution of the services do not allow for a clear price to be displayed to the public, the display can in this case be replaced by:
- a price quote, including all taxes;
- a catalogue;
- any other brochure listing the prices of the most common services provided.
This document must be made available to customers.
Related procedures and links
Legal references
- Code de la consommation
Règlement grand-ducal du 1er décembre 2011
déterminant les critères, les conditions et la procédure relative à la fixation des prix des médicaments à usage humain
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