Registering a business with Letzshop

Last update is an online marketplace supported by the government and a number of partners who co-finance the project.

It is aimed at all local businesses - regardless of their size - that wish to offer their customers a quick and easy way to order products. Retailers can present their complete range of products in this showcase.

For retailers, it is also a way to:

  • sell online and digitise their business;
  • be placed among the first search results in search engines;
  • acquire new customers;
  • benefit from personalised assistance.

The platform is also characterised by its speed. It offers customers the possibility to quickly pick up their order anywhere in the country.

Who is concerned?

Any local business that wants to digitise the business and sell products through a new distribution channel.


Rates range from 250 euros to 2,000 euros per year, with preferential rates for shops in communes that are members of Luxembourg for Shopping GIE. Depending on the price, the amounts may include elements such as:

  • customised support;
  • the photo shoot of the shop;
  • logistical support;
  • marketing activities (increased visibility);
  • online payment system.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

Luxembourg retailers interested in this offer are invited to fill in the form available on the following page:

The Letzshop team will then contact the retailer.


For the retailer:

The Letzshop platform allows retailers to:

  • sell online and digitise their business;
  • be among the first Google search results;
  • broaden their customer base;
  • offer a wide range of products and increase their visibility;
  • benefit from personalised coaching by the Letzshop team.

For consumers

Letzshop allows consumers to:

  • benefit from a wide choice of local products;
  • pick up the order or have it delivered the same day;
  • take advantage of the benefits of e-commerce;
  • support local Luxembourg businesses;
  • benefit from the right of withdrawal for a minimum period of 14 days.

Who to contact

Chamber of Commerce

2 of 6 bodies shown

Ministry of the Economy

2 of 37 bodies shown

Related procedures and links

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