Tax relief for investments: request the attestation of eligibility via

Last update

Is your company undertaking a digital transformation project or an ecological and energy transition project?

Depending on the amounts invested and the operating costs incurred in the context of this project, you may be eligible for a tax relief, under certain conditions.

To claim this tax relief, you must present your company's income tax return and a certificate issued by the Minister of the Economy.

This certificate attests the reality of the investments and operating expenses incurred during the course of a given operating year.

However, the grant of such a certificate is conditional on obtaining an 'attestation of eligibility' issued by the Ministry of the Economy.

The application for the 'attestation of eligibility' can only be submitted online via This is a procedure requiring authentication.

You can find the link to the attestation of eligibility in our information pages as well as all necessary information relating to tax relief in connection with an investment project for: