solutions for electronic invoicing Your administrative procedures, quite simply, when you want, where you want and in complete security.

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Are you an economic operator dealing with public sector bodies (State, municipalities, public establishments, etc.) in the context of a public procurement or a concession contract? Then you must issue your invoices in electronic form, regardless of the amount of the invoice.

The European Peppol delivery network (Pan European Public Procurement OnLine) has been selected as the common delivery network for automatically issuing, submitting and receiving electronic invoices.

However, economic operators (companies, businesses, self-employed persons, etc.) who issue few or rarely issue invoices to public sector bodies may opt for the alternative solutions proposed below by

Issuing electronic invoices as part of a public procurement or a concession contract

The online procedure for issuing an electronic invoice is available from our explanatory information page. You can manually enter the elements of your invoice in the fields of the form.

To make the procedure for issuing an electronic invoice via as simple as possible, a tutorial with screen shots is available to guide you through the process step by step.

This is an authenticated procedure that can only be transmitted from a business eSpace. This means that the person completing the form:

Submission of a compliant electronic invoice as part of a public procurement or a concession contract

The online procedure for submitting an electronic invoice is available from our explanatory information page. There, you can download an already compliant electronic invoice in XML format.

To make the procedure for submitting an already compliant electronic invoice via as simple as possible, a tutorial with screen shots is available to guide you through the process step by step.

This is also an authenticated procedure which can therefore only be transmitted from a business eSpace, as mentioned above.

For more information on electronic invoicing, you can also consult: