Increased financial aid for medium energy-consuming companies

Last update

To support businesses in the face of the energy crisis, a new measure has been added to the aid scheme for medium energy-consuming companies (minimum 2 %) introduced following the tripartite agreement of 28 September 2022.

The scheme now allows companies to apply for a subsidy to offset electricity transmission costs incurred in 2023.

Please note that this aid scheme is applied retroactively, and that the eligible period has been extended to 31 December 2023.

It allows companies that have already applied and received aid in the context of this aid scheme to include electricity transmission costs in already submitted applications.

In addition, the scope of eligibility for this aid for medium energy-consuming companies has been extended to include non-profit associations (asbl).

The application for aid must be submitted for each eligible month through an online assistant available on or on the mobile application, within the following deadlines:

  • by 31 March 2023 at the latest for all eligible months in 2022;
  • by 30 September 2023 at the latest for the months from January - June 2023;
  • by 20 November 2023 at the latest for the months from July - December 2023.

Find out more about the procedure and the conditions for obtaining this new aid in our dedicated information page.