National and European ecolabels for accommodation establishments

Last update

Tourist accommodation establishments in Luxembourg can apply for 2 ecolabels in order to promote sustainable tourism in Luxembourg, namely: the Luxembourg EcoLabel and the EU Ecolabel (European Ecolabel for tourist establishments).

The Luxembourg EcoLabel is awarded to hotels, campsites, country guesthouses, group accommodations and youth hostels by the General Directorate for Tourism of the Ministry of the Economy.

Luxembourg EcoLabel certified establishments:

  • are characterised by particularly eco-friendly practices; and
  • take multiple preventive or conservation measures in the fields of energy, water and waste in order to reduce environmental pollution.

The EU Ecolabel is the only official ecolabel common to all EU countries. It is awarded by the Environment Agency of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity. Its flower-shaped logo certifies that guests stay in tourist establishments that apply European environmental quality standards. These standards apply equally in all EU countries.

Our explanatory information pages on the Luxembourg EcoLabel and the EU Ecolabel have recently been updated.

Do not hesitate to find out more about the conditions for granting these labels and how to apply for them.

You can also consult the official and common platform for these two ecolabels in Luxembourg.