Organic agriculture: notification of activity and transmission of inspection reports via

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In the organic farming sector:

  • any natural or legal person wishing to start, modify or stop an activity must notify their activity to the Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (ASTA) in order to be officially registered as an operator in the organic farming sector;
  • approved inspection agencies must electronically transmit the reports of any inspections carried out on the premises of Luxembourg operators in the organic farming sector to ASTA.

These two separate procedures are carried out via, from a certified business eSpace.

The notification of activity must be submitted promptly after signing a contract with an inspection agency so that there are no delays in:

  • registering the activity/activities; and
  • commencing the organic farming activities.

The requested certificates and reports must be submitted as soon as they have been finalised and approved by the inspection agency, and no later than:

  • for agricultural producers with agricultural parcels: 30 November of the year the inspection was carried out, except in cases that can be duly justified;
  • for agricultural producers without agricultural parcels: 31 January of the year following that in which the inspection was carried out;
  • for processors and other categories of operators: 31 January of the year following that in which the inspection was carried out.

You will find all the practical information related to these 2 procedures as well as the link to the assistants in our explanatory information pages.