The portal is now online

Last update

The new portal is now online. It aims to facilitate the transition to electronic invoicing in Luxembourg for all businesses.

You will find a lot of information on the subject, such as

  • thematic files;
  • practical guides and explanatory videos;
  • frequently asked questions;
  • an agenda with events and training courses.

As a reminder, from 18 March 2023, all businesses that provide services to public sector bodies (the State, communes, public establishments, etc.) must issue electronic invoices, regardless of the amount of the invoice. This obligation already applies to medium-sized and large companies.

The European Peppol delivery network (Pan European Public Procurement OnLine) has been selected as the common delivery network for automatically issuing, submitting and receiving electronic invoices.

Economic operators, who are not yet connected to the Peppol network, have 2 alternative non-automated technical solutions at their disposal on They can:

  • manually complete a data entry form for their invoice; and/or
  • submit (upload) an already compliant electronic invoice via a form.

You can also consult our tutorials where screenshots are used to explain step by step how to: