Sworn experts, translators and interpreters: apply for registration on the list of the Ministry of Justice

Last update

Are you an expert, translator or interpreter specialising in law enforcement and administrative matters and interested in carrying out assignments for the judicial and administrative authorities? If so, you can apply to the Ministry of Justice to be included on the list of sworn experts, translators and interpreters.

Registration on this list may be requested by any natural person with the required qualifications and experience. The application must be submitted to the Minister of Justice via MyGuichet.lu, using a LuxTrust certificate, and must specify:

  • for experts:
    • the branch(es) concerned;
    • possibly, the speciality(ies);
  • for translators and interpreters:
    • the language pair(s) applied for (i.e. which source language(s) are translated into which administrative language(s) of Luxembourg).

After receipt, the Ministry will check certain elements of the application, such as professional integrity and the diplomas corresponding to the field of activity concerned.

If the application is approved, the applicant will be entered on the list held by the Ministry of Justice. The applicant will also be asked to take an oath before the Supreme Court of Justice.

If you wish to have more information and to be registered on the list, please consult our dedicated information page on this subject.