Call for projects with a social and societal impact

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Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?

Do you wish to develop your social impact project and create a societal impact company (SIS) in 2021?

Within the framework of the IMPULS 2021 programme, a call for projects for entrepreneurs who want to create a SIS in Luxembourg is launched by the Ministry of Labour.

The IMPULS 2021 programme, in collaboration with Nyuko asbl, offers:

  • a 3 month acceleration phase from the presentation of the idea to the drawing up of a "simplified business plan" specially adapted to businesses active in the social and solidarity economy;
  • a tailor-made coaching phase lasting from 2 to 4 months to support future social entrepreneurs in starting up their company approved as a SIS.

You can benefit from group training, individual support (coaching), tools and expert advice, exchanges with established entrepreneurs, and networking with players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Are you interested in the IMPULS 2021 programme?

Register now until 7 March 2021 at the latest by clicking here.

You can also read about the advantages of the SIS in our explanatory information page.