Application for registration with the Disability and Redeployment Department

Last update

A person recognised as a disabled worker by the Medical Commission of the National Employment Agency (Agence pour le développement de l’emploi – ADEM) who is seeking a job must register with the ADEM. The Occupational Counselling and Redeployment Panel (Commission d’orientation et de reclassement professionnel) will guide the applicant to the job market best suited to their abilities.

The Disability and Redeployment Department (Service handicap et reclassement professionnel – SHRP) is in charge of professional orientation, training, placement, rehabilitation, integration and reintegration of persons recognised as disabled workers.

The mission of the SHRP is to:

  • select job offers;
  • provide information on financial aid for the hiring of disabled workers;
  • work with agencies in charge of professional training and integration;
  • promote the hiring and ensuring job protection of disabled persons.

Who is concerned?

Persons with disabled worker status recognised by the Medical Commission of the ADEM must present themselves to the ADEM.

How to proceed

If the person is already registered as a jobseeker, their file will be transferred to the Disability and Redeployment Department at the ADEM, which will invite them for interview.

If the person has not yet registered, they will be summoned to the Disability and Redeployment Department of the ADEM for professional orientation and training activities specific for disabled workers.

Once registered, the disabled worker will have access to the Disability and Redeployment Department (Service handicap et reclassement professionnel – SHRP) of the ADEM for assistance in their job search.

A certificate of registration will be prepared by the SHRP, then sent along with the applicant's file to Occupational Counselling and Redeployment Panel to rule on the employee's orientation for the ordinary labour market or for a sheltered workshop.

Who to contact

Disability and Redeployment Department

Occupational Counselling and Redeployment Panel

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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