Filing a complaint with the Health Directorate

Last update


You can file a complaint with the Health Directorate about any matter that falls within its remit.

As part of its remit to protect health, the Health Directorate (Direction de la santé):

  • contributes to defining healthcare policies and implementing awareness, screening and monitoring initiatives;
  • ensures access to, and the quality and safety of, healthcare; and
  • ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards.

You can file a complaint electronically with the Health Directorate about any matter that falls within its remit.

Who is concerned


  • who is a natural or legal person;
  • whether they are resident in Luxembourg or not.


The complaint must only relate to matters within the Health Directorate's remit, in particular:

  • the quality of healthcare services;
  • relations with healthcare professionals;
  • accessibility of healthcare services;
  • administrative issues;
  • the conditions under which healthcare establishments operate;
  • issues regarding patients' rights;
  • failure to observe the rules of common courtesy, etc.

The following type of complaints will not be dealt with:

  • complaints in connection with other government administration departments or ministries;
  • complaints that include slanderous or defamatory accusations.


You must submit your complaint no later than 6 months after the relevant event(s).


Filing and processing complaints are free of charge.

How to proceed

Filing a complaint

You must file your complaint electronically using the required form.

Complaints will not be accepted unless:

  • they are submitted in French, German or English;
  • they contain your identification details, i.e. your surname and first name, or the name of your company, as well as your address or the address of your registered office;
  • where applicable, they include the name of the provider concerned;
  • you include:
    • at least a summary of why you are filing the complaint;
    • what steps you expect to be taken further to your complaint (i.e. your expectations, requirements and wishes further to filing the complaint).

You may also file a complaint on behalf of someone else.

Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. Please note that the Health Directorate reserves the right to check the accuracy of the complainant's identification details.

Supporting documents

You must enclose with your complaint copies of all relevant documents (photos, evidence etc.) that will help us understand your request and guide the Health Directorate's response where applicable.

You will be able to attach your supporting documents to your complaint at the end of the online submission process.

Handling of complaints

Your complaint will be registered by the Health Directorate.

You will receive:

  • a response or an acknowledgement of receipt within 48 working hours of submitting your complaint; and
  • a conclusive response as soon as possible.

If your complaint is deemed to be admissible, it will be forwarded to the Director for investigation. You will be informed of the Director's decision as quickly as possible.

Your complaint will be deemed inadmissible if:

  • it is not submitted in the required form and within the required time frame;
  • it is clearly unsubstantiated or abusive, or the facts on which it is based have not been established;
  • if the Health Directorate is not the competent body, i.e. if the matter does not fall within its remit.

If your complaint is deemed to be inadmissible, you will be informed of this decision as quickly as possible. Your complaint will also be forwarded to any provider referred to in it.

Processing of your personal data

To find out more about how your personal data will be processed in connection with your complaint, please refer the information notice under the following link (Pdf, 145 Kb) (in English).

Online services and forms

Online services

Who to contact

Related procedures and links


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