Office for Export, Import and Transit Control (OCEIT)

The Office for Export, Import and Transit Control (Office du contrôle des exportations, importations et du transit - OCEIT), formerly called Licensing Office, is a department under the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.

It is responsible for the implementation of the regime governing the import, export and transit of goods.

The Office for Export, Import and Transit Control in namely responsible for:

  • the establishment of import, export and transit licences and surveillance documents, etc.;
  • the application of export controls on dual-use goods and weapons and equipment for military use (strategic/sensitive products);
  • the establishment and validation of certificates required for international cooperation;
  • the collection of taxes, guarantee deposits and withdrawals which fall under its responsibility;
  • the establishment of export certificates for agro-food products and applications for restitutions;
  • the implementation of embargo on certain products;
  • the statistics on operations under its responsibility.
  • Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Office for Export, Import and Transit Control (OCEIT)

    Bâtiment "Mansfeld", 9, rue du Palais de Justice L-1841 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Email address:

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