Work and holiday exchange programme

Last update


The cultural exchange programme 'Work & Travel' allows young Luxembourgish citizens to travel and work in a foreign country under a partnership agreement for a limited duration of time.

The work and holiday programme ('Work & Travel') is a cultural exchange programme which allows young Luxembourgish citizens to discover one of the following countries:

Who is concerned

Young Luxembourgish citizens between 18 and 30 years of age can apply for the work and holiday programme.

The age limit has been increased to 35 years for Taiwan, Chile and Canada.


In order to obtain a Working Holiday Visa, you must:

  • hold a valid Luxembourg passport;
  • not be accompanied by dependent persons (e.g. children under the candidate's responsibility);
  • have sufficient financial resources to:
    • support yourself on site; and
    • buy a return ticket;
  • not have participated in the programme previously.


Costs in relation with the visa application are to be expected. These depend on the destination country.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

You can submit your application to the competent foreign authorities:


The working holiday visa gives you the right to:

  • stay in the partner country for up to 12 months;
  • leave and enter the country without limitation for the duration of the validity of the visa;
  • travel across the country and discover a new culture;
  • work for a determined period of time during the stay ('open work permit' required in Canada);
  • enrol in studies or an internship for a limited period of time.

Supporting documents

Depending on the chosen destination, you must attach several supporting documents either to your online application or submit these in person.

Certain destinations require the documents to be translated into English and into the language of the country.

Who to contact

2 of 4 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Declare your stay abroad to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade - MAE (Lëtzebuerger am Ausland)


Further information

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