Benefit from employment aid

Last update

Benefit from personalised advice

To guide you in your job search and help you develop your career plan, you can ask for personalised help from an ADEM guidance counsellor.

You can access all the services offered by ADEM, including:

  • individual support from a professional counsellor to help you find a job;
  • access to the JobBoard to view job vacancies and submit applications;
  • participation in measures to promote employment and in training, depending on your profile;
  • access to financial aid, depending on your profile;
  • access to computers and assistance with producing a CV through Club Emploi (Job Club);

Claim unemployment benefit

To qualify for unemployment benefit, you must:

  • be involuntarily unemployed;
  • be domiciled in Luxembourg:
    • at the time of notification of dismissal in the case of a permanent contract;
    • no later than 6 months before the end of the contract in the case of a fixed-term contract;
  • be between 16 and 64 years of age at the most (the legal age for receiving a pension is 65);
  • be fit to work, available and willing to accept any appropriate job;
  • be registered as a job seeker with the ADEM and file an application for full unemployment benefit;
  • have been employed on one or more work contracts for at least 26 weeks (at a rate of at least 16 hours per week) during the 12 months (or more, depending on the case) preceding your registration as a jobseeker with ADEM.

Cross-border workers:

  • who were previously employed in Luxembourg and find themselves unemployed cannot receive unemployment benefits in Luxembourg. They must contact the relevant bodies in their country of residence;
  • who were self-employed and whose sole activity based in Luxembourg had to cease may, under certain conditions, claim full unemployment benefit in Luxembourg.

Once you have registered as a jobseeker, go as soon as possible to ADEM's Unemployment Benefits Department (Service des prestations de chômage) with your letter of dismissal and/or your employment contract and copies of your last 6 payslips.

The agent in charge will give you several forms to fill in:

  • a full unemployment benefits application form;
  • a declaration of income and a certificate of employment (to be completed by your former employer).

Once all these documents have been collected, the ADEM agent will process your application and manage your file.

To receive your benefits, you must:

  • report to your counsellor on the days and at the times specified by them; and
  • immediately inform your counsellor if your personal situation changes.
Unemployment benefits

Aim for reintegration and benefit from an employment measure

ADEM offers a range of measures to help you enter or re-enter the job market. You will receive personalised support to help you acquire new skills, which will increase your chances of finding a job. Training and boosting employability are decisive factors in achieving this.

Re-employment support

Find a job through the EURES network

If you're interested in working outside Luxembourg, make an appointment with a EURES network advisor to explore a wide range of career opportunities across Europe. Take advantage of tailor-made support to help you understand the European job market and maximise your chances of professional success.

Contactez un conseiller EURES

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