Applying for an ownership or non-ownership certificate

Last update

The ownership certificate attests that the interested party is the owner of real estate in Luxembourg.

The non-ownership certificate attests that the interested party does not own any real estate in Luxembourg.

These documents will be requested in the context of certain administrative procedures.

Who is concerned?

You can request an ownership certificate if you are the owner of real estate (house, commonhold property, land, etc.) that is located in Luxembourg;

You can request a non-ownership certificate if you do not own any real estate in Luxembourg.


Ownership or non-ownership certificates are issued free of charge.

How to proceed

Filing an application

The ownership or non-ownership certificate is issued on request by the Real Estate Valuation Section (Section des évaluations immobilières - SEVI) of the Luxembourg Inland Revenue (Administration des contributions directes - ACD).

Your request should be submitted by email to:

Information to be provided

You must provide the following information on your request:

  • your surname and first name;
  • your national identification number (matricule) or your date of birth;
  • your address.

The Luxembourg Inland Revenue may refuse to issue the certificate if you have not paid your tax debts in full.

If necessary, it may also ask you for additional supporting documents as part of the control of your information and request.

Who to contact

Real Estate Valuation Section (SEVI)

  • Real Estate Valuation Section (SEVI)

    5, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    B.P. 2354 L-1023 Luxembourg
    Email address:

Related procedures and links


Residence certificate


Further information

Certificat de propriété ou de non-propriété

sur le site de l'Administration des contributions directes

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