Birth allowance

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The birth allowance is granted to women who have undergone all compulsory medical examinations for the purpose of monitoring and following up their pregnancy, childbirth and newborn child up to the age of 2.

The birth allowance is a flat-rate benefit paid following the birth of a child. It is divided into 3 instalments, which are paid successively:

  • the prenatal allowance (1st instalment);
  • the birth allowance as such (2nd instalment);
  • the postnatal allowance (3rd instalment).

For non-residents, the birth allowance cannot be combined with a childbirth grant paid in the country of residence.

Applications for birth allowances must be submitted to the Children's Future Fund (Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants - CAE).

Who is concerned?

The prenatal allowance and the birth allowance per se are available to pregnant women or women who have given birth and who are:

  • resident in Luxembourg;
  • non-resident, provided that they:
    • work in Luxembourg;
    • do not already have a right to claim a similar benefit in their country of residence.

The birth of any viable child entitles the right to the birth allowance itself as well as to the postnatal allowance.

The postnatal allowance may be requested by:

  • the father; or
  • the mother; or
  • any other person who exercises parental authority over the child.


Applications must be submitted within 1 year of:

  • the birth, for the prenatal allowance and the birth allowance;
  • the child's 2nd birthday for the postnatal allowance.

The limitation period for filing the application is the same as for adoption.

The 3 tranches of the birth allowance are totally independent of one another. Failure to satisfy the conditions for the payment of one tranche does not prevent the payment of the other tranches.

How to proceed

Amount of the birth allowance

The birth allowance amounts to EUR 1,740.09, and is paid in 3 instalments of EUR 580.03.

The cost of the medical examinations—to which the granting of the 3 instalments of the birth allowance is linked—is covered by the health insurance fund that the pregnant woman and/or the child is registered with.

Prenatal allowance

Conditions that must be satisfied to receive the prenatal allowance

If the pregnant woman is a resident, she must:

  • be domiciled in Luxembourg;
  • have undergone at least 5 obstetric and general examinations;
  • have been to see a dentist for a dental medical examination and must be able to produce evidence of same.

If the pregnant woman is a non-resident, she must:

  • have carried out the various medical examinations;
  • be affiliated on the basis of an employment in Luxembourg at the time of the last medical examination.

Formalities to be accomplished

At the first visit, the gynaecologist gives the future mother a prenatal allowance application form together with a maternity record book (carnet de maternité). The person concerned may also make a request to the Children's Future Fund (CAE).

The gynecologist and the dentist complete the form at each visit with:

  • a stamp or their name;
  • their address;
  • the date of the examination;
  • their signature.

The applicant will then have to send the form to the CAE.

Pregnant women who are employees or apprentices are given time off work (without loss of pay) to attend antenatal check-ups, if these are during work time.

Supporting documents

The application must be accompanied by the following:

  • a Bank Identity Statement (BIS) indicating the account holder, IBAN account number and BIC code;
  • a birth certificate of the child, if the child for whom the prenatal allowance is requested has already been born;
  • in the event of the child's death:
    • a death certificate or stillborn child certificate;
    • a medical certificate attesting that the child was born viable;
  • for non-residents: a household composition certificate or certificate of residence or of domicile to be drawn up by the competent civil status authority of their place of residence;
  • for women who are residents of a country outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland: a copy of the residence permit or residence card.

The CAE may request additional documents to complete the application. These documents can be sent:

  • by post; or
  • via


The prenatal allowance is paid to the expectant mother either:

  • together with the actual birth allowance, once the child is born;
  • once the last antenatal check-up has been completed.

The actual birth allowance

Conditions that must be satisfied to receive the birth allowance

If the pregnant woman is a resident, she must:

  • have her legal domicile in Luxembourg;
  • have undergone a postnatal gynaecological examination to determine whether or not her state of health was affected by the pregnancy. The examination must have been performed by a gynecologist or obstetrician.

If she is non-resident, she must:

  • be affiliated on the basis of an employment in Luxembourg at the time of the child's birth;
  • have passed the required gynecological examination (in the case of a birth).

Formalities to be accomplished

The communal administration of the place of the child's birth issues the birth allowance form when the birth of the child is registered with the civil registrar. The form can also be issued by the gynaecologist at the maternity hospital.

The gynecologist / obstetrician completes the form during the postnatal visit with:

  • a stamp or their name;
  • their address;
  • the date of the examination;
  • their signature.

This form must then be sent to the CAE. The application can be made as of the day of the child's birth.

Supporting documents

The application must be accompanied by the following:

  • a Bank Identity Statement (BIS) indicating the account holder, IBAN account number and BIC code;
  • the child's birth certificate;
  • in the event of the child's death:
    • a death certificate or stillborn child certificate;
    • a medical certificate attesting that the child was born viable;
  • for non-residents: a household composition certificate or certificate of residence or of domicile to be drawn up by the competent civil status authority of their place of residence;
  • for women who are residents of a country outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland: a copy of the residence permit or residence card.

The CAE may request additional documents to complete the application. These documents can be sent:

  • by post; or
  • via


The allowance is paid to the mother after the postnatal check-up.

The first 2 tranches can be paid at the same time, after the child is born.

Postnatal allowance

Conditions that must be satisfied to receive the postnatal allowance

For residents, the child must:

  • be raised on a continuous basis in Luxembourg from their birth to their 2nd birthday;
  • have undergone 6 medical examinations:
    • by a paediatrician, a specialist in internal medicine or a general practitioner;
    • until the age of 2.

The condition of the child having been brought up in Luxembourg on a continuous basis is not applicable if the child was born abroad and adopted by a person domiciled in Luxembourg. In that case, medical examinations conducted abroad are taken into consideration.

For non-residents:

  • the child must have gone through the required examinations;
  • at least one of the 2 parents must have worked in Luxembourg from the child's birth until his or her 2nd birthday.

Formalities to be accomplished

A form (or booklet) is issued either:

  • by the maternity ward or hospital where the child was born;
  • by the civil registrar at the time of registration of the birth.

If the child was born abroad, the form can be requested in writing or by telephone from the CAE, or picked up from its offices.

The mother must then send the form to the CAE.

Supporting documents

The application must be accompanied by the following:

  • a Bank Identity Statement (BIS) indicating the account holder, IBAN account number and BIC code;
  • the child's birth certificate;
  • for non-residents: a household composition certificate or certificate of residence or of domicile to be drawn up by the competent civil status authority of their place of residence;
  • for residents of a country outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland: a copy of the residence permit or residence card.

The CAE may request additional documents to complete the application. These documents can be sent:

  • by post; or
  • via


The allowance is paid to the person who is looking after the child when the postnatal allowance falls due.

It is paid after the child's second birthday.

If the child dies before the age of 2, the postnatal allowance is still paid in full, provided that all compulsory examinations were performed up until the time of the child's death.

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