Hiring domestic staff: carry out your procedures via MyGuichet.lu

Last update

Do you want to hire a person to:

  • help you with your household; or
  • look after your child; or
  • care for a dependent person?

You must first draw up and sign an employment contract with this person.

After that, you can use a simplified administrative procedure with the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) to complete the procedures concerning your domestic staff (affiliation, social security contributions, taxation, etc.).

As of now, within the framework of this procedure, you have the possibility of carrying out all your procedures online via MyGuichet.lu, namely:

  • register your employee with the CCSS by means of a 'Employee declaration form for a private household / host family' ;
  • modify the half-yearly declarations concerning the working hours and wages in a private household;
  • deregister your employee with the CCSS at the end of the contract.

These are procedures with authentication that require a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

As a reminder, you can also complete these procedures by post using the required forms.

Note: the declarations of start and end of employment must be made at the latest within 8 days of the start or end of the employment contract of the person concerned.

Our explanatory information page provides you with all the details concerning this procedure.