New rules to ensure that public spaces are accessible to all

Last update

New rules have come into force to guarantee accessibility for all:

  • publicly accessible spaces;
  • public highways; and
  • multi-unit residential buildings.

The objective is to eliminate barriers created by the lack of accessibility - often referred to as 'social barriers' - which is still one of the main causes of discrimination against the elderly and people with disabilities.

Financial aid, in the form of a capital grant, is available to meet the new requirements for:

  • improving the accessibility of existing public spaces or spaces in existing buildings;
  • creating a public space or a multi-unit residential building by changing its assigned use; or
  • rational development of publicly accessible spaces.

The application for financial aid must be submitted:

  • online via, with authentication using a LuxTrust product (Token, Smartcard or Signing Stick) or an electronic identity card (eID); or
  • using the mobile app.

To find out about all the new accessibility measures, see our various information pages on the subject.