Change of sex, first name and surname: submit your application via

Last update

In Luxembourg, it is possible under certain conditions to have modifications implemented in the civil register:

These applications for change can now be submitted via, using a LuxTrust product or an electronic ID card (eID).

If you have a private eSpace on linked to the mobile application, you can also submit the application using the mobile app.

These applications can be made, under certain conditions, by:

  • adults; and
  • minors accompanied by:
    • one or both of their parents exercising parental authority; or
    • their legal guardian.

Furthermore, depending on your application, additional conditions apply, i.e.:

  • in the case of a change of surname and/or first name(s), you must be a Luxembourg national; or
  • in the case of an application for a modification of the indication of your gender and/or first name(s), you must:
    • be a Luxembourg national; or
    • be a foreign national, provided that you have had your usual and lawful place of residence in Luxembourg.

Both applications are also available to persons holding the refugee, the subsidiary protection or the stateless person status.

In order to complete your application, you can consult the conditions and the supporting documents to attach in our explanatory information pages.