New CCSS features in the private eSpace on

Last update

The Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) now offers the activation of the eDelivery function on to receive certificates of affiliation and remuneration. Insured persons can now access these documents in electronic form in their private eSpace on  

To benefit from this new service, the insured person must activate the eDelivery function specifically for the CCSS. Activation is done in the 'My data' section of the private eSpace on by selecting 'Health/Social', then 'Centre commun de la sécurité sociale (CCSS)'. This step is essential in order to receive the documents in the private eSpace.

As before, the insured person must still order the certificates via the CCSS website. Instead of receiving the documents by post, they are notified by email as soon as the certificate is made available in their private eSpace.

Another feature which has also been made available is the consultation of social security affiliation data. Insured persons can also consult their affiliations, which are updated daily, in the CCSS section of

The new CCSS features are also available in the mobile application. Simply link your account to the application to take advantage of these features directly from your smartphone or tablet.