Update of our texts on electromobility

Last update

Would you like to opt for more electromobility? Do you want to make mobility cleaner in a sustainable manner?

In Luxembourg, it is possible, under certain conditions, to obtain a subsidy for the purchase of:

  • a new bicycle or an electrically assisted pedal bicycle (pedelec25) for private use; or
  • a self-propelled vehicle (car, van, quad, etc.):
    • pure electric; or
    • with a hydrogen fuel cell; or
  • a self-propelled plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (including vans) with CO2 emissions of 50 g/km or less.

The application for the subsidy is always made by means of a specific application form, to be sent to the Environment Agency. The forms as well as all the practical information can be found in our recently updated explanatory texts: