Appointment for an orthoptic examination (vision test 10 and vision test 40)

Last update

From 8 November 2021, the early vision screening programme for children offered by the Health Directorate will change its name to vision test 10 and vision test 40.

The vision tests allow to monitor your child from the age of:

  • 10 months, for the vision test 10; or
  • 40 months, for the vision test 40.

The vision test is carried out by a qualified orthoptist who:

  • checks the parallelism of the eyes;
  • checks the quality of binocular vision;
  • assesses visual acuity and refraction.

Consultations are free and voluntary.

The procedure for making an appointment has been simplified and can now be carried out online on or on the mobile application

The procedure can be done with or without a LuxTrust product or electronic identity card (eID).

An invitation letter to this screening is automatically sent to Luxembourg residents who are parents or legal guardians of one or more children aged 10 or 40 months.

In the envelope, you will find a personal access code to log in and choose the date and place of the appointment; the code is valid for 4 months.

On the day of the examination, you must present the health record book of the tested child.

You will receive the results immediately after the examination.

If you would like more information, you can consult our explanatory information page.