Job search leave: what is it?

Last update

If you are an employee domiciled in Luxembourg and if you have been dismissed with notice, you are entitled to ask your employer for a maximum of 6 working days' leave in order to look for a new job.

This leave:

  • must be taken during the period of your notice;
  • is paid;
  • can be split up.

Please note that you are not entitled to this leave if:

  • you have been dismissed for serious misconduct;
  • you have resigned;
  • your employment contract has been terminated by mutual agreement between you and your employer;
  • you were dismissed during the trial period.

To benefit from the leave, you must:

  • register as a job seeker with the National Employment Agency (ADEM);
  • provide your employer with proof that you are actually attending an interview for a job offer.

All the information related to this special leave can be consulted in our explanatory information page.