Waiting list for vaccination against COVID-19

As part of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Luxembourg government is organising a vaccination campaign.

People living in Luxembourg can now register on waiting lists to be voluntarily vaccinated against COVID-19.

Registration on the waiting lists for the Vaxzevria® (AstraZeneca) and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson®) vaccines is for persons aged 18 and above.

Any person can register:

  • either on one of the 3 waiting lists (Vaxzevria or Janssen or remaining doses);
  • or on 2 waiting lists;
  • or on all 3 waiting lists.

When receiving the 1st invitation for vaccination, the second and third registration option are automatically cancelled.

Persons already registered on the waiting list for the remaining vaccine doses between 30 April and 8 May do not have to register a second time on this list.

Waiting list for vaccination with the Vaxzevria® vaccine

Registration on this waiting list is done on a first come, first served basis.

Waiting list
Vaxzevria® vaccine

Waiting list for vaccination with the Janssen vaccine (Johnson & Johnson®)

Registration on this waiting list is done on a first come, first served basis.

Waiting list Janssen vaccine

Waiting list for vaccination with remaining vaccine doses

The person's age will be taken into account for the priority of invitation for vaccination.

Waiting list with remaining vaccine doses

Last update