Apply for a subsidy for a cultural project via

Last update

Are you a private individual, an association or a communal administration and are you planning to carry out a cultural project?

The Ministry of Culture grants subsidies for one or more projects in various fields (dance, music, literature, multimedia, etc.) which can be spread over a calendar year and which take place in Luxembourg.

The application for the subsidy must be made:

  • online via with or without a LuxTrust product (Smartcard, Token, Signing-Stick) or an electronic identity card (eID); or
  • by using the mobile app.

Please note:

  • make sure that the eligibility criteria are met;
  • choose the form that corresponds to your situation (private individual, association, communal administration);
  • prepare the attachments to be uploaded in JPEG or PDF format, such as a detailed budget, financing plan, etc.;
  • submit your complete application (form + all required supporting documents) at least 2 months before the start of the project.

The subsidy committee will then assess each application and issue an opinion.

In principle, the subsidy cannot exceed 60 % of the total project costs.

You can find all the details of this procedure in our explanatory information pages, depending on your situation: