Promoting your business internationally

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In order to assist Luxembourgish exporting companies in their international activities, the Office du Ducroire (ODL) offers various insurance solutions to cover Luxembourg companies against the risks of non-payment by customers and their investments abroad, as well as financial support through a partial financial contribution to promotion and exhibition costs.

Luxembourgish companies, which represent a substantial added value for the Luxembourg economy, are eligible for financial assistance if they meet the following conditions:

  • be a Luxembourg exporting company;
  • be in possession of all the valid authorisations required to carry out their activities; and
  • be financially sound.

The export aid scheme is governed by law and complies with European regulations on state aid for exports.

Financial support can be requested, for example, for:

  • the design and translation of promotional materials (brochures, videos, etc.);
  • exhibition at fairs, exhibitions, seminars and conferences;
  • expenses for traditional and digital advertising;
  • market surveys and consultancy services;
  • international trademark/patent registration and certification;
  • the opening of prospecting entities or participation in international tenders in non-EU and non-EEA countries.

The financial aid granted may vary between 10 % and 50 % of the costs incurred for the project, without exceeding:

  • the various ceilings set by the ODL's Committee for the Promotion of Luxembourg Exports (Comité pour la promotion des exportations luxembourgeoises - COPEL);
  • the ceiling of EUR 300,000 over a 3-year period.

Companies in the financial sector, insurance, tourism and real estate development are, in principle, not eligible for financial support.

For more information on the conditions for granting support and how to apply, see our explanatory information page on export aid to cover promotion and exhibition costs.