Date on which the tax return forms become available

Last update

It's almost time to file your tax return. The forms and online services on for the 2024 tax year will be available from 7 April 2025.

The period for filing your tax return therefore runs from 7 April to 31 December 2025.

Why the beginning of April and not the beginning of February like in previous years? Given that employers send their data during the first months of the year, this new date allows the Luxembourg Inland Revenue (Administration des contributions directes - ACD) to move forward with its project to pre-fill tax returns.

Once the data has been collected, the ACD can send you pre-filled tax return forms. Pre-filling is an effective way of simplifying procedures for taxpayers while optimising administrative processes. This new feature also allows to:

  • increase data reliability; and
  • ensure greater compliance with tax obligations.

Further information on tax returns is available in our explanatory information pages.