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Find out how to work as a pensioner
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Working after retirement can offer you a number of advantages: increase your income, stay active and socially involved or pass on your know-how and experience.
This scheme is aimed at retirees who receive an old-age pension from the age of 65 or an early old-age pension between the ages of 57 and 65. Whether you work part-time or full-time, you can combine your pension with a professional income.
If you are retired and aged 65 or over, you can work as much as you like while continuing to receive your old-age pension.
If you are between 57 and 65 and receive an early old-age pension, you can combine this pension with paid employment. However, there are significant restrictions on combining an early old-age pension with income from a professional activity if the income from said activity exceeds a certain threshold. It is important to check with your pension fund for the exact amounts and specific rules that apply to you.
For more information, please consult our new text on this subject.