Explanations on how to apply for an ID card now also available in easy-to-read

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Guichet.lu offers a new text in easy-to-read on the identity card in Luxembourg (in German and French only).

Do you have questions such as:

  • Who needs an ID card?
  • Where do I apply for an ID card?
  • How much does the ID card cost?
  • How do I pay for the ID card?
  • How long does it take to get the ID card?

The answers can be found in our text (in German and French only) on Guichet.lu:

Easy-to-read consists in short sentences, easy words, explanations and images that make it easier for people with reading and comprehension difficulties to understand the texts.

The staff at Guichet.lu has worked on the documents in easy-to-read together with Klaro, the official office for easy-to-read. Klaro is a service managed by the Association pour personnes en situation de handicap (APEMH - association for persons with disabilities).